Wednesday 9 July 2008

Recipes for Disaster


Just to hear how it clankers
I left the trace of my hand in all
I set alight and left to settle.
Dishes, unashamedly gristle
Sesame, jealousy. Tap, deglaze
Using a sieve I pulverised them.
I am sad for these lukewarm
Whisk, tap, deglaze, whisk.
Once I clarify these melons
I took half the tomatoes and
And striving to pour myself
I did. I thought hard about poppies
It is all over for them.
I mixed whisky and pigeons.


Get closer and rub
Stars and passing custom.
Shift the clean work surfaces
The hatches to the
Pear and stilton salad or
Or be bullied into battening
Your face in it, perhaps it
It’s nice to have walls in your
Grease spots, adapted recipes
Just to hear how it clankers.
But at the end of the night
Kitchen, for instance to cover in
And not always burn your arms
Would be nice to leave

by JW, after the recipes of AO

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